IS-40A projects
Unit A
Website titled "My Favorite Sports and video games", it is about my favorite such as, Football, Boxing, Forza Horizon 5, Insurgency Sandstorm, and No Mans Sky. This webpage has basic fundementals of HTML and CSS programming.
Unit B
This Webpage has no CSS but has only HTML, like title, h1, h2, and p.
Unit C-1
This webpage is similar to the components used in Unit B.
Unit C-2
Unit c-2 contains mostly CSS like background-color, color and text-align
Unit c1c1
Unit D-1
This Unit is mainly about the float property and the use of text filler like ipsum lorem.
Unit D-2
Unit D-2 has no CSS but basic HTML.
Unit DCBreview
Unit DCB review works with Articles and Headers to creat boxes.
Unit DCBreview2
Unit DCB review2 is a basic Website that displays a link navigation within an aside sematic element.
Unit E
Unit E has basic HTML and CSS code other than the p:first-letter propert and box-shadow.
Unit F
Unit F is a website with a variety of Navagation like Home, About Us, Rooms, Reservations, Local Weather, and Direction. Inside the Rooms navigation tab it has a skip navigatiion code, where it skips the the navigation tabs and instantly scrolls to the main content.
Unit G
Unit G focuses on creating a website that displays 3 rooms(Reed room, Treehouse, and Sun room), it also has shapes.
Unit H
Unit H focuses on the structure of the table and debugging table errors. Alos contains bullet point and # list.
Unit I Challenge
Just like Unit H, the Unit I Challenge is contructed with a basic webpage layout and maily focuses on the structure of a table tag.
Unit J
Unit J is a breif example of a "Contact Us" page that includes text boxes for Email, Phone #, and Name, drop down menu's, checkbox, and a submit button.
For this Webpage I create a basic Website from a tutorial.